Fictional Writing - Being Observant

Fictional writing involves the composition of short stories, plays, and novels using imaginary characters and events. There is a large number of fictional writers who create new stories everyday.

The question here is how do you get from a small idea of a story to a full length novel? Your idea has to be backed up by a great plan of action and to begin you must keep a journal. Your journal will list:
  • Characters (people you encounter who do or say things in a natural or novel way)
  • Places you have visited (things that stood out - the unusual and the mundane)
  • Your feelings about people, places and things
  • Sounds, the lack of sounds, colour, light, darkness, tastes, smells
  • Animals of all types
  • New words that you have learnt and the context in which they are used

You will also need to develop your skills of observation- sight, sound, feelings will help you with adding depth to your writing. As a creative writer you will begin to use all your senses when you view the world. You will also need to develop your vocabulary. TV will offer you a wealth of new words and their usages. For example, watch programmes that will help you with the vocabulary for writing fictional period novels which will give you a peek into the behaviour and lives of the people of that era. Likewise modern programmes will give you a broad incite into current trends and behaviours.

Most importantly you must read. Read to learn what other authors are writing about; how they express themselves; and the style they use.

Most importantly, read to enjoy the stories written by othe authors.


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