Author's name: - Steven A Barthell
Where you live or where you from: -
Currently Live in Boston, MA. Raised in Miami, FL.
A little bit about yourself: -
27 year old author, television personality & public figure who believes he is the future leader for his generation,very articulate & open minded about whats going on in today's society but also very critical on its future.
What Inspires You?: -
What 2 tips would you share with a budding writer?:
Tip 1: Just dare to be different
Tip 2: Dare to push the envelope .
An Outline of your Featured Book?:
A guide of telling my generation to get it together; its about the battles we go through in relationships, friendships & everything in our society.
Read Steven A Barthell's Biography
Follow Steven A Barthell on Twitter
Purchase the Book: - "Women R Stupid and Men R the Reason" - out now
Further Information: -
Published by Aziza Publishing www.azizapublishing.com My 1st exclusive workshop "Court You, Learn You, Love You, Marry You" gives details on how relationships & commitments should be conducted, I am also now a weekly panelist on Single Ladies Cafe Radio www.musicfeen.com after my interview on their show increased their listeners by 600% helping them reach their record number of listeners. I host a local television Show SHINE on the Boston Neighborhood Network BNN
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