Author's name: - Vladimir Nicolas
Where you live or where you from: -
I’m born in 1979 in Haiti, but I live currently in Montreal (Canada).
A little bit about yourself: -
Since my childhood, I’ve been an artistic person. Most of time, I was drawing cartoons and other pictures I saw in movies and television. In the year 1999 I entered the college, my life took another artistic turning point: I joined a student newspaper named Vox Populi. As the student journalist of the college newspaper, I fell in love with literature and influenced by several friends who studied French literature, so I started writing my first poems until I published my first book (Azrael) in 2007.
What Inspires You?: -
My inspiration, it comes from my observation of human societies and human living conditions from the poor to wealthy countries. Then, the 19th century great minds such as Arthur Schopenhauer, Charles Darwin, Hegel, Karl Marx and 21st century French eminent thinker Jacques Attali influenced my writings about the human societies. From Attali’s books, I got several influences about the outcome of human societies far into the future when I’m thinking about the development of human reproduction means. At last, as a fan science fiction, the cyberpunk themes such as triumphant capitalism, human impoverished societies, sentient machines and human clones and space operas influenced me as well.
What 2 tips would you share with a budding writer?:
Tip 1:
At first, I will say to him/her that writing is a lifetime vocation in order to master the genre of books he or she likes to write.
Tip 2: is to do never neglecting to rewrite a book because a draft is written with our filled heart of passion while our brain will check, rewrite and correct grammar errors.
An Outline of your Featured Book?:
In that modern fairy tale, Mister Wong, the richest man on Earth, has a big problem: to find true love. Despite his fortune, he is unlucky to find true love because girls dated him rather to get his money than to really love him for his personality. So he will decide with despair to capture the Goddess of Love in order to be lucky in love without thinking his actions will be disastrous for the whole world.
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