Author's name: - Marcella Denise Spencer
A little bit about yourself: - My featured book, "The Spirtual Root of Slavery" is non-fiction, though my passion is writing histotical fiction set in ancient Africa.
What Inspires You?: - Knowing that there is still a lot of African history waiting to be written.
What 2 tips would you share with a budding writer?:
Tip 1: Write what you love to read.
Tip 2: Do your homework. Learn what you can about the Industry, everything from crafting query letters to marketing techniques.
An Outline of your Featured Book?: - The ancient Egyptians held the Hebrews bondage from 1870-1440 BC.
the Europeans enslaved the Africans from 1440-1870 AD.
Is there a connection? Can seeds sown in antiquity harvest in the modern era?
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