Author's name: - Daniell Harshaw
Where you live or where you from: -
Detroit, Mi
A little bit about yourself: -
Author Daniell Harshaw author of 9 books comes out into the world, after being incarcerated 13 1/2 years with his first release Bulletproof Love "Loyalty Before Betrayal". Growing up on the Eastside of Detroit and having muliple run ins with the police Daniell had decided while being incacerated the 2nd time that everyone has a story to tell.
He decided to start taking his thoughts and putting them on paper creating stories. Once released in 2009 Daniell took to the streets his books to tell his story and hopefully make a difference.
What Inspires You?: -
What 2 tips would you share with a budding writer?:
Tip 1: Keep writing
Tip 2: Never let anyone stear you away from your dreams no matter how many doors close because another one will open.
An Outline of your Featured Book?:
This book goes deep into the streets. Drugs selking, murders and loyalty of two friends who called themselves brothers. This book may changed the mind of those who plan on plaing theor role as a "gangsta".
Read Daniell Harshaw's Biography
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Purchase the Book: - Bulletproof Love: Loyalty Before Betrayal - out now
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