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Black Authors Books - Vladimir Nicolas

Author's name: - Vladimir Nicolas
Where you live or where you from: -
I’m born in 1979 in Haiti, but I live currently in Montreal (Canada).
A little bit about yourself: -
Since my childhood, I’ve been an artistic person. Most of time, I was drawing cartoons and other pictures I saw in movies and television. In the year 1999 I entered the college, my life took another artistic turning point: I joined a student newspaper named Vox Populi. As the student journalist of the college newspaper, I fell in love with literature and influenced by several friends who studied French literature, so I started writing my first poems until I published my first book (Azrael) in 2007.
What Inspires You?: -
My inspiration, it comes from my observation of human societies and human living conditions from the poor to wealthy countries. Then, the 19th century great minds such as Arthur Schopenhauer, Charles Darwin, Hegel, Karl Marx and 21st century French eminent thinker Jacques Attali influenced my writings about the human societies. From Attali’s books, I got several influences about the outcome of human societies far into the future when I’m thinking about the development of human reproduction means. At last, as a fan science fiction, the cyberpunk themes such as triumphant capitalism, human impoverished societies, sentient machines and human clones and space operas influenced me as well.
What 2 tips would you share with a budding writer?:
Tip 1:
At first, I will say to him/her that writing is a lifetime vocation in order to master the genre of books he or she likes to write.
Tip 2: is to do never neglecting to rewrite a book because a draft is written with our filled heart of passion while our brain will check, rewrite and correct grammar errors.
An Outline of your Featured Book?:
In that modern fairy tale, Mister Wong, the richest man on Earth, has a big problem: to find true love. Despite his fortune, he is unlucky to find true love because girls dated him rather to get his money than to really love him for his personality. So he will decide with despair to capture the Goddess of Love in order to be lucky in love without thinking his actions will be disastrous for the whole world.
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As for myself, I admit to one motivation. The African slave trade. That ghastly period in history that I confess I find hard to read about.
One of the effects the slave trade has had on persons of African descent is that we face a problem not experienced by other people. No roots. If you have tried to fill out your family tree, you may have noticed that after a few generations, the tree stops. The branches are bare. The trade has severed the ties that connect Africans in the Diaspora to their pre-slavery history. Have you ever wondered what tribe your people came from? What language they spoke?
Genealogy is a popular pastime for a lot of people. In between writing, I try to find time to work on my family tree. The Internet has turned some folks into
genuine amateur genealogists. In the Bible, the part I’m sure a lot of people skip over is the genealogy - “the begats.” Like the patriarch Abram’s lineage, “Now
these are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot.” Look at Jesus’ bloodline: “And Salmon begat Boaz, and Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David.” The Old Testament is filled with such lengthy passages. For me, it reinforces the notion that your
descent, your lineage is important.
The cultural disconnection created by slavery motivates me to write what I do. When I write fiction, for example, I often include the tribe of my main character. While in reality it’s hard to determine whether or not that is really your ancestor listed on the 1850 Census, because it reads: male black, age 16. That could be anybody’s great-great-great Grandpappy. However, with fiction I can give my heroine an ancestry. If a character’s tribe is Yoruba. I can provide them with an ancestor who lived in ancient (Nubia) Cush, because the Yorubas migrated into West Africa from the middle Nile valley.
In my latest novel, “Revelations,” the main character is a young girl from the Fulani tribe. A tribe the late Sengalese historian, Cheikh Anta Diop traces back to
ancient Egypt. And yes, the storyline shows her ancestors in ancient times, as well as the setting in the mid-18th century in which she lives.
In truth, I suppose it’s fair to say that I’m motivated by a desire to reconstruct African history. Writing stories that take place in the past, before the slave trade, and connecting them to the present is my way of working on not just my genealogy, but all African peoples; especially those who lost their “begats.”
Good Resources

At present, I’m putting the final touches on a short story, a novella, and am knee-deep in revisions for my latest novel, due out next month. So, please excuse the shortness of this post.
Because I write historical fiction, I have a mini-library at home for quick reference. True, historians do not always agree on the date an event occurred. Sometimes I have to check two or three books, and use the information from the two that agree. Take the list of kings in Egypt as an example. The date a pharaoh of Egypt reigned in one historical text can be completely different in another. I’ve worked around that by using the reference that fits the timeline of my story the best. As long as the dynasty is correctly identified, I don’t bother with a few years’ difference in dates.
Aside from the Bible, there are a few books which I consider invaluable:
-Before the Mayflower - A History of the Negro in America 1619-1964 - by Lerone Bennett Jr.
-The Destruction of Black Civilization - Great Issue of a Race from 4500 BC to 2000 AD - by Chancellor Williams.
-Bible Legacy of the Black Race – The Prophecy Fulfilled -by Joyce Andrews.
-Black Spark White Fire – Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe? - By Richard Poe.
-The African Origin of Civilization – Myth or Reality - by Cheikh Anta Diop.
Plus a few books by the late Ivan Van Sertima, Basil Davidson, and Bill Manley. But my all-time favorite is The Black Presence in the Bible by Reverend Walter Arthur McCray.
McCray’s books were the first that I read that broke down who’s who in the Bible. If you remember the story of Noah’s Ark, you know that the whole earth following the flood was populated by Noah’s three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
In the Reverend’s books, he lists all the sons and their descendants, and where they settled. For example, Shem’s first-born son Elam founded Persia. Japheth’s son Javan is the patriarch of the Greek people, and Javan’s son Tarshish is known as Spain.
Ham’s first son, Cush settled a nation in the eastern Sudan, referred to as Ethiopia in the Bible. Though it isn’t the exact location as modern day Ethiopia; the land of Cush in also known as Nubia. The second son of Ham, Mizraim founded one of the most famous civilizations, Kham/Egypt, known in the Bible as “the land of Ham.”
These volumes form the core of my research. If you love African history, I highly recommend each of these books. Now…I have to get back to work.
Write On: Overcoming Criticism
Black authors: More history, please.

Actor Will Smith is producing a movie titled, “The Last Pharaoh.” He is set to play the leading role in the motion picture slated for release in 2013. Who is the last pharaoh? Tirhakah – He ruled both Egypt (Kham) and Nubia (Cush) during the 8th century BC. Tirhakah was the last black African to rule Egypt, known in the Bible as “the land of Ham.” – See Psalms 78:51, 105:23, 106: 21-22.
This production is a major step forward in the motion picture industry. A significant episode in African history will be portrayed by a person of African descent. But, will the audience know enough about Egypt’s 25th dynasty to empathize with the hero? And who, black or white, would believe an African king fighting to save his lands against a white aggressor (Assyria) plausible? In the starring role as King Tirhakah, would Smith be seen as just “playing a role” or truly re-enacting the life of an ancient African king?
After my first, rather pathetic novel was released back in 2001, I explained the book’s premise to a white co-worker. Her reply to the storyline stunned me. She said, “I didn’t know the ancient Egyptians were black. I always thought they were white.” Huh? Then again, why should she think otherwise? Movies and books featuring Africans in history are hardly ever depicted as being black.
Ancient historical fiction is sorely lacking in Black literature. Why is that? I mean, we have a rich history. From ancient Egypt (Kham) – Narmer-Menes war to unite the Two Lands, to Nubia (Cush) and the rise of the 25th dynasty. What about the Axumite King Ezana’s invasion of Cush? Now there’s a topic for a novel. Any takers?
The most popular historical novels are the ones set during slavery. For sure, our history in the West begins here, but what about before our ancestors were enslaved? It is as if our history as a people began during the Middle Passage.
I admit there are challenges to writing fiction set in ancient Africa. The number one hurdle is the research. Many history books gloss over African contributions. The books that should be used to write historically accurate fiction are often riddled with errors, or worse racism. Since my fiction is based upon Scripture, I find it easier to sift out error from fact. The Bible records that Cush (Nubia) and Mizraim (Kham/Egypt) were brothers, both sons of Ham. End of story, for me.
There are those who find non-fiction books too stuffy and boring to read. Especially young people still attending school, reading a history book is like doing homework. But with fiction…you can craft a compelling story and add in some of our history.
Here is my latest

For the first time, I did the formatting for the book’s interior (uh-oh). I used Book Design Wizard 2.0, a software program recommended by author K.L. Brady ( The software can be purchased at My book’s cover was designed by Tyora Moody at Tywebbin Designs. She did a great job at a reasonable price.
C’mon, I know you’re out there. You love novels set in ancient Egypt. You know hard facts about the rise and fall of Ghana, Songhay, and Mali. And you yearn to read more novels about it. Maybe even write one. Now you can. The “revolution” in the publishing industry now makes it possible. Black writers no longer have to write for the market. We can now write for the readers. Let’s add more historical fiction to Black literature. So by the time Mr. Smith’s movie is released, people would know that this motion picture is not the work of an artist taking “creative license,” but based on a historical fact.
A Biblical one at that – See 2 Kings 19:9.
Black Authors Books - Steven A Barthell

Author's name: - Steven A Barthell
Where you live or where you from: -
Currently Live in Boston, MA. Raised in Miami, FL.
A little bit about yourself: -
27 year old author, television personality & public figure who believes he is the future leader for his generation,very articulate & open minded about whats going on in today's society but also very critical on its future.
What Inspires You?: -
What 2 tips would you share with a budding writer?:
Tip 1: Just dare to be different
Tip 2: Dare to push the envelope .
An Outline of your Featured Book?:
A guide of telling my generation to get it together; its about the battles we go through in relationships, friendships & everything in our society.
Read Steven A Barthell's Biography
Follow Steven A Barthell on Twitter
Purchase the Book: - "Women R Stupid and Men R the Reason" - out now
Further Information: -
Published by Aziza Publishing My 1st exclusive workshop "Court You, Learn You, Love You, Marry You" gives details on how relationships & commitments should be conducted, I am also now a weekly panelist on Single Ladies Cafe Radio after my interview on their show increased their listeners by 600% helping them reach their record number of listeners. I host a local television Show SHINE on the Boston Neighborhood Network BNN
It’s cool to be an indie
If you’ve been paying attention to the publishing industry lately, you may have read about this change in perception toward self-pubbers. Authors Amanda Hocking, J.A. Konrath and John Locke have had tremendous success indie publishing. Konrath has been traditionally published, but there are many others including Hocking and Locke who have not. Some of Konrath’s colleagues have followed his example.
International best-selling author Barry Eisler turned down a half a million dollar deal with St. Martin’s Press, opting to self-publish. NY Times and USA best-selling author L.A. Banks stepped into the self-pub arena with her YA novel, “Shadow Walker.” Christian authors, Tiffany L. Warren, Sherri Lewis, and Rhonda McKnight teamed up to form their own press, 3 Sisters Books. They released their first book, “A Woman’s Revenge,” last year. These examples and many others have been hailed throughout cyberspace as the “indie revolution.” Authors no longer need literary agents and publishers to act as “gatekeepers.”
Mind you, this so-called revolution is barely a year old. When I self-published my non-fiction book, “The Spiritual Root of Slavery,” in early 2010, I did it the old-fashioned way. I sent the manuscript and cover design to a printer and paid a couple of hundred dollars for a short print run. At that time, traditional publishing was still the goal for aspiring writers, and self-pubbers were still hoping their sales would attract the attention of a literary agent. Not so much anymore.
Writers are gleefully indie publishing their own works. Traditionally published authors are putting their out-of-print back lists up on Kindle, Pubit and Smashwords. They are celebrating this new found sense of control. Now, they have a say in everything from the cover design, trim size and price to the simple pleasure of writing what they want. Would you like to do a sequel? Oh, yes… Would you care to take this character from your novel and use her in the short story you are writing for e-publication? Sure, why not…
New authors are hiring editors, copy-editors, cover designers, and typesetters to whip their manuscripts into shape. Many are learning to perform these tasks on their own, and saving money in the process. In addition to e-pubbing projects, U.S. authors can use Create Space and Lightning Source to produce the print versions of their masterpieces. U.K. scribes can also use Lightning Source and Xin Xii (for e-books)
The genres that are selling well as e-books thus far include thrillers, mysteries, erotica, horror and romances. It would be interesting to see if literary fiction, children’s books, and my personal favorite, historical fiction does as well.
So, if you’re an indie. Be proud. You’re in good company. True, not all of us will pull in the money that some of the above mentioned authors have. However, seeing your work in print is a huge reward in itself. And now you can. It’s a lot easier to do than ever before.
Another phrase that is going around cyberspace and echoed by commentators on various indie blogs is this: It’s a good time to be a writer. And it’s now cool to be an indie.
22 Ways for Readers to Support Authors

There are many different ways to support the authors that you love to read. Although, authors reading this blog post may think, “Sheesh just buy a book already…” I believe that there are a number of ways to support authors that will ensure that the authors you love get the support that they need, the books you love get the exposure they deserve, and the authors get feedback on their work to create better work with each release.
I have been writing for about a decade. I currently have three children’s book releases out. However, with each book release my writing gets better. The reason for this is that I am not afraid to read critiques of my writing, and I depend on fans (mainly kids) to tell me what they enjoy about my work. The support and feedback allow me to push my own boundaries as a writer without fear. This way I can feel liberated to create work that inspires children to become creative, proactive, and adventurous. Below is some of the wisdom I accrued over the years of interacting with authors, readers, and fans about how to support authors.
22 Ways to Support Authors
- Follow an author’s blog.
- Buy one or all of the book releases by an author.
- Write a one or two line review of the author’s book on a blog, Amazon, social networking site, shelfari, etc.
- Follow your favorite author on social networking sites.
- Go out to book signings.
- Bring friends to the book signing with you.
- Host authors on your campus, in your church or at meetings.
- Recommend your favorite books to a friend.
- Ask a reference librarian to order all of your favorite author’s books.
- Host a theme night for your favorite book with your friends.
- Take a picture with your favorite author and post on-line (facebook, MySpace, blogs)
- Tweet an article about your favorite author’s interviews.
- Make a YouTube video of your favorite books.
- Start a blog about your favorite books.
- Start a book club to discuss your favorite books.
- Vote for your favorite author to win book awards.
- Ask bookstores to order copies of your favorite books for their stores.
- Host a literacy event and invite authors.
- Skype with your favorite authors.
- Host an on-line chat with your favorite authors.
- Listen to interviews or call in when an author is being interviewed on blog talk radio.
- Participate in contests held by authors.
I hope that this blog was helpful.
Tiffany A. Flowers is a reviewer, literacy advocate, the literary director for, and the author of three children’s books. You can find out more about her work by logging on to or following her blog at